Event Tips for Operation Red Storm.

simply fill a platoon full of dead units,press repair,cancel,take out the unit with a smidge of health and repeat until all are done(also certain units you can repair 1 at a time for free ie buggys and eriflemen-good thing to know during events) also microhealed unit work just as good as full health units if say you know you wont be shot at for example razorback...this leads me on to the next tip..

know your ranges and always try to use your range to your advantage,remember what ever you outrange shouldnt hurt you,ie razorback vs machine gun turret,ehellfire vs laser turret

eriflemen-are a great tool and a free repair for baiting suicide trucks in the attack waves and save time messing about with air,simply let the suicide truck kill your 1 erifleman
bombers-are a great at killing favs quickly and save time also work just as good micro healed run 1 into a fav and see
evalkeries-work just as good microhealed and work like little deployable cobras, no more running arround a base just deploy at the side you need and bait! obviously keep away from anti air units

fill base full of heavy vehicles and long repairs to repair overnight remember your base platoon is more than twice the size of your normal platoon so will repair more units overnight! also as mentioned microhealing is one way to save time on repairs, scrapping units is another remember if you rebuild some units overnight these will be ready to use the next day aswell as what ever you filled you base with

a mixture of all the above, if you outrange them they shudnt do you harm! filling base with erifles to defend base is great but they aint goin to stop everything mix and match your defending units to counter what ever the wave throws at you! remember aslong as your units defending base has health it will fight for you,micro heal then adjust units and positions and try again!

again a mixture of the above, take your time if you can, remember there is no time limit for the outposts bases take your time and do it right and also remember if you rush mistakes will happen, baiting is key! bait any and all movable units so then it is down to just you and the base, know your range and micro heal remember if your not going to take damage then the unit is good to use!

-remember if you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail! start to prepare now if you havent already you still have time!
-preparing for waves you failed, you know what is coming so adjust the units to counter what the wave has to bring, adjust the position of the units, adjust your mines positions, adjust your base if needed! anything to pass the wave, it may be the difference of getting 1 more prize and wasting the xp!
-preparing for an attack, you know the next base is hard as you may of tryed it once or maybe you have already looked at the base before trying, ask yourself what do i need, repair the units you need and rebuy other units to give yourself a better chance if this is needed especially on a fortress wave!
-fortress wave preparation! when things get hard try to end on a fortress wave as it is the hardest of them all, scope the base out take a close look, run a dog arround to see what moves so you know remember you have 1 shot, 1 hour to complete the fortress if you fail.. then the base resets! if you dont have the platoons to try again then its back to repairs! time saving is key if you can run a erifle into a suicide truck instead of baiting it to your air then do so! time is of the essence!



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